Tourbosoft News

Organic box supplier Hutzelhof introduces route planning software to reduce CO2 emissions

Tourbosoft is delighted to have another customer in the food trade with organic crates. The changeover from rigid to flexible route planning is an important milestone that has now been reached at Hutzelhof. A new interface to the ERP system fab4minds was created. For Hutzelhof, Tourbosoft is an important key component for achieving its sustainability goals.

Source: Hutzelhof


The Hutzelhof is a Demeter farm with its own vegetable garden, bakery, kitchen and delivery service based in Edelsfeld near Sulzbach-Rosenberg, which delivers its own products directly to its customers in "organic boxes". The company has a large farm, an extensive fleet of vehicles and operates two locations that now use our tour planning software Tourbo.route.


Flexible route planning instead of rigid delivery areas with intelligent fleet software

As a food retailer, the company has a high demand for deliveries to ensure the quality and freshness of its products. Until recently, daily route planning at Hutzelhof was done manually based on fixed routes and predetermined delivery areas. This approach not only proved to be time-consuming, but also led to limited flexibility in route planning. Irregularities such as changes at short notice or altered delivery time windows as well as individual special requests for the storage of goods could only be taken into account to a limited extent.

Due to the specific operational requirements, the search for suitable route planning software proved to be a challenge for Hutzelhof. Many common route planning programs were too static and offered only limited options for adapting to their individual industry requirements.

With Tourbo.route, route planning is now digital and automated with the help of intelligent algorithms. This results in more efficient routes, a reduction in fleet costs and simplified, faster and less stressful scheduling.


Hutzelhof Biokisten-Lebensmittellieferant


The route planning software recommended for the food industry

Our long-standing and satisfied customer 脰kodorf Brodowin drew Hutzelhof's attention to Tourbosoft and recommended it. As a company in the same sector with similar special requirements, 脰kodorf Brodowin was able to share some experience with our software with Hutzelhof.

After a subsequent product presentation and a test phase, Hutzelhof was convinced by our tour planning software and initiated the implementation of Tourbo.route.

Hutzelhof uses the fab4minds merchandise management system, from which an interface to Tourbo.route was developed that automatically transfers the orders to the route planning system.


Reduction of CO2 emissions with tour planning from Tourbosoft

With the route planning software Tourbo.route, route optimization, maximization of vehicle utilization and the targeted avoidance of empty runs through the intelligent coordination of deliveries contribute significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Hutzelhof attaches great importance to reducing CO2 emissions and offsetting one hundred percent of its ecological footprint. In this context, Tourbo.route fits perfectly into the company's corporate philosophy and makes a valuable contribution to the implementation of its sustainability goals.

Tourbo.route allows tours to be planned taking different vehicle types into account. For example, Hutzelhof supplies its customers in Nuremberg using electric vehicles and cargo bikes and is planning to expand its delivery areas by making greater use of these more environmentally friendly means of transportation.

Hutzelhof not only delivers organic products to its customers' homes, but also operates highly climate-compensated and future-oriented delivery logistics. In our role as a reliable partner for the optimization of these logistical processes, we are pleased to accompany Hutzelhof on its journey and to support the company in its corporate philosophy of promoting sustainability and CO2 reduction!


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